Aug 30, 2004 - Mark Weintraub
Letter to Senator Mobina Jaffer re: human rights situation in Sudan. The Honourable Senator Mobina S.B. Jaffer, QC
Suite 202 - 1437 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5N 2R6
Dear Senator Jaffer:
On behalf of our community, Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region (CJCPR) would like to commend you for your efforts addressing the deteriorating human rights situation and severe humanitarian crisis in Darfur, Sudan. We applaud the position you have taken as Canada’s Special Envoy to the Sudan.
We request an opportunity to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss how CJCPR can support any of the initiatives with respect to the Sudanese crisis, which you have undertaken on behalf of all Canadians.
Tragically, this is not the first time Canadian Jewish Congress has given voice to the Jewish community’s profound concern regarding humanitiarian tragedies of the magnitude facing the people in Darfur. The response that we have received from the Jewish community to date is to encourage CJCPR to continue our advocacy to the government on this issue.
Nationally, Canadian Jewish Congress has formally urged the Canadian government and the international community to take swift and substantive measures to prevent the world from watching the unfolding of another genocide. CJC wrote Prime Minister Paul Martin and then Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham calling upon the government to take all appropriate steps to avert the deteriorating human rights situation.
Last month in New York, our National President Ed Morgan and National Executive Director Manuel Prutschi met with Ambassador Gilbert Laurin, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, to once again bring to the attention of our Canadian representatives our deep concern for the worsening situation.
As well, our Quebec Region is a co-organizer of a Day of Conscience held August 25, 2004 in Montreal. We are continuing to identify how we can assist in ensuring that this issue receives the kind of public, governmental, and world attention that it deserves. We once again commend your various efforts and particularly your strong voice upon your return from Sudan.
We would greatly appreciate it if your scheduling assistant could please contact Romy Ritter, Community Relations Coordinator, Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region by phone at 604-257-5101; by fax 604-257-5131; or by e-mail at romyr@cjc.ca to make the necessary arrangements.
We very much look forward to another opportunity to meet with you on issues of mutual concern.
Yours truly,
Mark Weintraub
cc: All British Columbia Members of Parliament
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