Vancouver…August 31, 2004. The deadline of August 30 set by the UN Security Council for the Sudanese government to end the violence in Darfur has passed without any significant improvement. Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region (CJCPR), therefore, as part of a national Canadian Jewish Congress initiative, is calling upon the Canadian public to urge the federal government to step up the international efforts to work for an immediate end to the deteriorating human rights situation and severe humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
Lauding the efforts of Senator Mobina Jaffer, Canada's Special Envoy to the Peace Process in the Sudan, CJC, Pacific Region is currently seeking a meeting with her to discuss how Canadian NGOs can complement government initiatives to prevent further bloodshed and ethnic violence.
“In light of recent reports from various international NGO’s, which clearly confirm that civilians continue to be the targets of government raids, looting and rape, the Government of Canada must redouble its efforts for the consolidation of an international consensus on practical and immediate steps to be taken to improve the situation,” said Mark Weintraub, Chair of CJC, Pacific Region.
He went on to say, "Tragically, this is not the first time Canadian Jewish Congress has given voice to its constituency's profound concern regarding humanitarian tragedies of the magnitude facing the people in Darfur. The response that we have received from the Jewish community is to continue our advocacy to the government on this issue and we plan to continue to raise this issue with appropriate representatives."
In a letter sent to Prime Minister Martin in June, the CJC National President stated: "In the face of reports of mass murder, systematic rape and ethnic cleansing in Darfur, we cannot fail to confront the massive refugee and humanitarian crises emerging from this terrible conflict." CJC called on the government for:
- An unambiguous denunciation of the Sudanese government;
- A call for the immediate disarming, disbanding and withdrawal of the murderous militias, both government and Janjaweed, now operating with impunity in Darfur; and
- The implementation of measures to protect, assist and repatriate civilians displaced by the conflict.
In July, CJC National President Ed Morgan and CJC National Executive Director Manuel Prutschi met with the Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations in New York City to share CJC's deep concern for the worsening situation. Last week, CJC Quebec Region co-sponsored an inter-faith “Day of Conscience” to raise public awareness.
CJC, Pacific Region is requesting a meeting with Senator Jaffer to support her in her efforts to date and to determine what other concrete steps can be taken to ensure that this issue receives the kind of public, governmental, and world attention that it deserves.
Romy Ritter, Community Relations Coordinator
Phone: (604) 257-5101
Fax: (604) 257-5131
E-mail: romyr@cjc.ca
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