‘Jewish-owned’ media blamed for candidate’s defeat in BC
By Jewish Tribune Staff
RICHMOND, BC – In a scathing, antisemitic diatribe, a campaign manager for a BC Conservative candidate in last week’s federal election blamed a Jewish-owned, liberal-biased media for some of the challenges of the campaign.
Ignoring the fact that Canwest Global’s newspapers in the Vancouver area endorsed Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party in the election, Robbie Robertson, campaign manager for Conservative candidate Darrel Reid, told the Richmond News, “The CanWest Global media empire is controlled by a Jewish family (the Aspers) and they have been the most aggressive family to attack Christians, especially Conservative Christians,” in answer to charges that his candidate had shunned the media.
Robertson added, “Darrel has answered his questions and he still gets called because it doesn’t suit the agenda of the CanWest management team that are getting some kind of direction.
“(This is) a family that fought against persecution and here they are putting their scribes on Christian candidates. That’s something they fought against. Then it’s okay for them to do it.”
David Asper, CanWest’s executive vice president and chairman of the board at the National Post, personally came out in favour of Conservative candidate Peter Kent in Toronto’s St. Paul’s riding.
Dismissing Robertson’s remarks as unfortunate, Reid told the Richmond News that Robertson has been on medical leave and doesn’t speak for him or the campaign.
He told his supporters, “We have fought a good fight. Congratulations to Mr. (Raymond) Chan” on his reelection.
Both B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress Pacific Region strongly condemned Robertson’s vitriolic statements.
“The hurtful remarks of Mr. Robertson targeting the Jewish community are all too reminiscent of age-old antisemitic conspiracy theories of Jews plotting to take over the world,” said Frank Dimant, executive vice president of B’nai Brith Canada commenting on the published news report of Robertson’s remarks. “Such reprehensible comments stand in direct contradiction to cherished Canadian values such as tolerance and respect – the very same values that candidates of all parties and from all walks of life proudly exemplified during the election process.
“Mr. Reid and the Conservative Party that he represents have always stood for a strong Canada, inclusive of all minorities, and we are, therefore, gratified by his quick repudiation of the remarks of his campaign manager.
“Robertson’s remarks are even more perplexing given the distinguished reputation enjoyed by CanWest Global as a reliable news source and the fact that its owners are well known for having supported diverse political streams and parties.”
Mark Weintraub, chair of the CJCPR, said, “Robertson’s statements feed off ugly, antisemitic conspiracy theories and show an appalling ignorance of the very positive state of Christian-Jewish relations in Canada today.”
He added that his organization “is gratified that Mr. Reid, (many) of his supporters and Conservative Party leadership have forcefully repudiated and condemned Robertson’s remarks.”