Sunday, September 18, 2011

Observations: Elder Abuse

James Hillman, the noted psychologist needs to be more of a household name. One of his works on The Soul's Code was a New York Times bestseller although his other works are less known. In that work he wrote brilliantly of the "acorn" theory of development wherein each of us is born with a psyche blueprint for our own " calling. In his work "The Force of Character and the Lasting Life" this is what he says about aging on page 15

"The disparagement of values generally associated with the old- tricks, skills and know-how; familiarity with local lore, songs and phrases, and superstitions; and just plain slowness- lowers their value. In the context of these diminished values, we more easily justify geronticide. We call this "putting them out of their misery" and cover it over with more antiseptic language such as
"DNR" ("Do Not Resucitate") euthanasia, death-hastening and assisted suicide. These practices take place in private homes, nursing homes and hospitals far more often than reach the public eye. Even if our society does not condone beating, stabbing and strangling the aged, in some hearts the wish is often there".

Dr. Hillman often speaks in "extreme" language to make his point- however these words written in 1999 do bear serious reflection.

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