Mar 22, 2000 - UN Day for the Elimination of Racism: CJC active from coast to coast
Release no. 20
Ottawa – Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) continued its tradition of active involvement in events across the country commemorating the UN Day for the Elimination of Racism.
CJC National Community Relations chair Mark Weintraub commented, " For us, combating racism, antisemitism, intolerance and hate is a 365 day-a-year activity. Still, it is useful to have one day set aside around the world to raise our collective voices against the scourge of racism and CJC is always prepared to participate. As we enter a new century we must look back and learn the horrible lessons of the last one hundred years as we strive for a better future."
Fortuitously, this year the Day coincided with the Jewish festival of Purim. CJC president Moshe Ronen observed, "Purim is a holiday where we celebrate the victory of the Jewish people over the forces of hate. On Purim we learn the lessons of the dangers of extreme intolerance and xenophobia. We cannot overlook the parallels this festival has with the Day to Eliminate Racism." (Purim commemorates the events in ancient Persia when a plan to destroy the Jewish community was thwarted).
Mr. Weintraub commented further, "We are proud to have been associated with so many important events across Canada,"
The following are some of the activities that the regional offices of CJC were involved in:
Joanna Mirsky representing the Atlantic Jewish Council (AJC) sang the Hebrew Song of Peace (Shir Lashalom) at the annual Harmony Brunch. The AJC helped organize the brunch which featured Canadian Human Rights Commission secretary general John Hucker and the minister of justice Michael Baker.
Woodstock, NB:
AJC representative Yakov Feig spoke at Woodstock High School on being the child of Holocaust survivors.
CJC Quebec Region, is participating in a week-long activity entitled "Semaine d’actions contre le racisme". This event is sponsored by a number of different groups and has government backing. It features a breakfast meeting with Quebec’s minister for citizen relations and immigration and a reception with the mayor of Montreal.
CJC Honorary Legal Counsel Edward Morgan, will be a keynote speaker at the African Canadian Legal Clinic at a conference being held to commemorate the Day.
The Ottawa Jewish Community Council participated with NCARR (The National Capital Alliance on Race Relations) as they launched their current outreach project, the "Hate Crime Poster Campaign." The campaign involves displaying posters throughout the region that will proclaim that Hate messages will not be tolerated in the National Capital Region.
The Winnipeg Community Relations Committee, through its membership in the Coalition for Human Equality participated in the planning and preparation of a calendar of events throughout the city that commemorate March 21.
CJC Pacific Region was at the End Racism Awards ceremony presented by the Ministry responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration in recognition of outstanding initiatives that have contributed towards the elimination of racism in the province. The Okanagan Jewish Community was among the recipients of this award for its "Testimonies" program held in November.
CJC participated at the program ‘Media and Anti-Racism: Mentor or Monster?’ leading up to the March 21 Day. The forum was sponsored by the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria.
CJC representatives, Marilyn Berger and Michael Peters delivered the Face to Face workshop on Hate Propaganda and Racially Motivated Crime to inmates in the Youth Detention Centre as well as to two adult groups in the Wilkinson Road Jail.
For further information, please contact:
Rubin Friedman National Communications Director
Canadian Jewish Congress
Tel: (613) 233-8703
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