VANCOUVER, B.C, March 7, 2002 -- The Leadership of Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region met with the Minister of Natural Resources, the Hon. Herb Dhaliwal, to raise issues of concern to the Jewish community.
The CJC delegation met with the Minister as a follow-up to their meeting with the B. C. Federal Liberal Caucus held in January. At the meeting, CJC expressed the support of the Jewish community in the fight against terrorism, articulated the need for the Canadian Government to ensure that all linkages to terrorism are broken, and raised other issues of concern.
"Canadian Jewish Congress commends the government's efforts to defend Canadians and therefore the Jewish community against terrorism and yet still preserve civil liberties. However, the government's position regarding Israel and the Palestinian uprising is both confusing and ambivalent," stated Tony DuMoulin, Vice- Chair of CJC, Pacific Region.
The CJC delegation addressed Canada's voting record at the United Nations and the treatment of Israel at the United Nations as a source of deep concern for Canadian Jewry. "While such Canadian efforts are acknowledged and appreciated by Israel and by Canadian Jewry, Canada's overall voting record at the United Nations on Israel-related issues remains unsatisfactory," stated Mr. Mark Weintraub, CJC National Vice-President. He added, "We take seriously what politicians say in terms of their support for Israel, yet the voting record is contradictory. Canada's commitment to a fair and balanced approach is being compromised when there is evidence that Canada supports biased resolutions that use caustic language that are highly critical of one side in the Arab-Israel conflict. We strongly feel that Canada, which has traditionally adopted the role of "honest broker" in such International gatherings, has to re-evaluate this approach in light of the facts on the ground."
Members of the CJC, Pacific Region delegation raised the issue of the concerted anti-Zionist and antisemitic campaign that has blossomed under the auspices of the United Nations' World Conference Against Racism in Durban. "The Palestinian representatives, together with the support of Arab, Muslim and other delegates, cynically cast aside the conference?s universal objective to combat racism and hijacked it for the ill-intended partisan purpose of de-legitimizing the State of Israel and of undermining the historical experience of the Jewish people," stated Mr. Herb Silber, Regional Officer of CJC. Mr. Silber went on the say, "The Arab World, with the knowing complicity of well-meaning people, have launched an ideological war on the Jews in many different forums and that is why we need the Canadian Government to be even more vigilant than what occurred in Durban so that there is not a repeat. The Durban Conference, with the anti-Israel and antisemitic animus on full display, is a good example of an effort of politicizing International bodies and turning the agenda away from rightful concerns about racism, relief of hunger, refugees, human rights, and depriving the world?s most needy of assistance, including tens of millions of Muslims."
CJC delegates also expressed concern regarding Canadian grants to the Palestinian Authority. "We believe that Canada should demand that the Palestinian Authority provide tangible assurances that they are agents for peace and reject violence as a tool towards achieving Palestinian aspirations," said Mr. David Schwartz, Regional Officer of CJC. He went on to say, "While there is no specific evidence to suggest that Canadian aid dollars are being diverted from their intended use in support of humanitarian relief and toward the purchase of weapons, it is also the case that money is a fungible commodity and the danger of Canadian tax money being misused by Arafat in support of his military campaign against Israel cannot be discounted. Under no circumstances should Canada be seen as indirectly providing financial support to institutions of the Palestinian Authority that are waging war against Israel. The Canadian taxpayer has every right to demand that precise and completely transparent procedures through which Canadian officials will monitor carefully the administration of each and every assistance dollar. "
CJC, Pacific Region expressed Canadian Jewry's support for vigorous and consistent sentence-enhancement provisions for hate-motivated crimes and crimes against houses of worship and cemeteries. However, CJC, Pacific Region believes that Bill C-36 needs to be expanded to cover other communal property and institutions. In discussing community security, the issue raised was the dismantlement of the Provincial Hate Crime Team as a result of the Core Services Review. CJC expressed concern about the Team being rendered non-operational due to lack of funding and resources. The Hon. Herb Dhaliwal acknowledged the work of CJC, Pacific Region in the creation of the Hate Crime Team and assured the delegation that he would address in particular, this issue with the Solicitor General.
The CJC, Pacific Region delegation was pleased to have had the opportunity to exchange views with the Hon. Herb Dhaliwal and looks forward to continuing the dialogue on issues of vital importance to the Jewish community and to all Canadians.
For more information, please contact:
Erwin Nest, Executive Director
Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region
Suite 201 - 950 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 2N7
Phone: (604) 257-5101
Fax: (604) 257-5131
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