Below is a series of emails received by Bernie M. Farber, CEO of Canadian Jewish Congress, and Mark Weintraub, Chair of CJC’s National Darfur Committee, regarding CJC’s work to help the people of Darfur, Sudan.
Subject: Darfur: Thanks
I would like to thank CJC for taking such a strong stand on Darfur. If I can be of assistance please let me know.
Harvey Goldberg
Team Leader, Proactive Initiatives
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Team Leader, Proactive Initiatives
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Subject: 12-year old's view of your speech last night at the JCC
Dear Mr. Farber,
Following the memorial ceremony (at the Ottawa Jewish Community Centre), my daughter told me that you are her “new hero”. I wanted you to know how deeply your words and the quality of your personal presence touched her.
For my part, I am determined that the next time I hear you speak, I will not hang my head in shame because I have personally done nothing to speak out against the atrocities in Darfur.
Shalom ve yasher koach,
Subject: Darfur
Just a short note to congratulate the community for its leadership on this issue, which has been outstanding. The clear national stance that is being taken is simply tremendous.
Best wishes,
Hon. Bob Rae
Former Premier of Ontario and Federal Liberal Leadership Candidate
Subject: RE:DARFUR
I recently read an article in the Globe & Mail about the CJC’s lobbying Ottawa and the Prime Minister in support of Dafur and the situation in Sudan.
I would like to say as a black woman residing in the City of Toronto, that I am grateful to see your organization supporting the people of Sudan. I have always felt a strong connection to the Jewish community and I have a great deal of respect for the great work done by the CJC over the years.
I have written letters to the US government and other organizations in support of Darfur but, as I watched the situation worsened I wondered when Canada would do something. I think the CJC is an exemplary organization and I appreciate all of your good work.
Subject: Darfur
I meant to send this much earlier today but events overtook me. Great front page in the Globe and perfect messaging. The community is positioned as concerned and committed without being adversarial.
Again, great job in the Globe piece. The Congress is making real progress and is showing real leadership.
Cheers, Brad
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