Saturday, March 11, 2006

CJC Notice: Philosophers Café

Philosophers Cafe
Saturday, March 11, 2006
7:30 to 9:00pm L'Chaim Lounge
Vancouver Jewish Community Centre
950 West 41st Avenue
Is There a Jewish Obligation to Prevent Genocide?
The Talmud reminds us that "whoever saves even one life, it is as if he or she has saved an entire world." What are the limits, however, if any, to our involvement? Do we really have to help others when we, ourselves, are among the smallest nations, a persecuted people?
Moderator: Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan
Guest: Mark Weintraub is currently Chair of Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region. For almost 20 years he has represented the Jewish community in response to anti-Semitism and racism and has coordinated community action in relation to human rights violations in Bosnia, Darfur, and Indonesia. He has written and lectured on such issues as combating hate crime, Jewish support for aboriginal justice and redress for Japanese War crimes.
Cost per session: Advance: $5 plus GST. At the door: $8.
Advanced registration is recommended. To register, visit JCCGV reception or register online at
The Philosophers' Cafés are being presented by the JCCGV and Simon Fraser University's Interdisciplinary Programs in Continuing Studies, with generous support from Yosef Wosk and the B'nai B'rith Foundation of British Columbia.
Mira Oreck
Acting Regional Director
Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region Suite 201-950 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2N7
Tel: 604-257-5101
Fax: 604-257-5131

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