Feb. 16, 2006 - CJCPR kicks off multiculturalism week at community gathering
Vancouver - B.C. Attorney General Hon. Wally Oppal discussed some of the advantages British Columbia derives from its unique approach to multicultural inclusion at the kick-off to 2006 Multiculturalism Week hosted by Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region earlier this week.CJCPR Vice Chair Richard Kurland chaired the event, held at the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver. Minister Oppal spoke extensively about the work of Canadian Jewish Congress in fighting racism and working towards building a society in which multiculturalism thrives. He discussed the historical role the Jewish community has played as advocates for human rights and inter-group relations.
As an honour to the Jewish community and a kick-off to multiculturalism week, Minister Oppal presented a framed copy of the Multiculturalism Week proclamation to CJCPR Chair Mark Weintraub.
“Multiculturalism Week is an opportunity for all British Columbians to celebrate our unique commitment to cultural diversity,” said Weintraub. “It is also a time for multicultural organizations to reflect upon the successes of the Canadian experience and to recognize the important role the Jewish community must play,” he added.
Representatives from cultural and faith organizations from across Vancouver, including SUCCESS, the Multifaith Action Society, AMSSA, the Committee for Racial Justice, the Ismali Council and various other ethnic community leaders, took part in the event, which also included 10 high-school students from Vancouver public schools.
CJC acts on matters affecting the status, rights and welfare of the Canadian Jewish community.
For more information, please contact:
Mira Oreck
Acting Regional Director
Canadian Jewish Congess, Pacific Region
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